If you are looking for top-quality digital entertainment for the whole family, Microsoft Xbox 360 console can be a great bet. It is quite small, and has all the equipment dsl internet service provider a high end gaming PC put into a small space. But, as we move into new technology, there is no doubt that these consoles encounter more and more problems. I won't go into the names of all errors you can get, but there is one massive streamyx student package which is able to make the blood run cold in any Xbox 360 owner's veins: It's the "Xbox Red Ring Of Death" ( technically known as E74 Error or RROD ) characterized by 3 flashing red lights on the front of the console.
In fact, The Red Ring Of Death error is a very popular problem. Since the Xbox 360's release in 2005, the console's reliability gained a bad reputation by the general public and according to Microsoft, 35% of all units sold are encountering the RROD error and close to 2 million people are struggling with its repercussions.
Having a $400 non working gaming machine is a frustrating idea and carry a lot of annoyance. You will no longer be able to play games with peace of mind or any enjoyment and you cannot use Xbox live membership without constantly freezing, dropping from online games and losing level progress. And the worst thing about the red ring of death errors is that the problem won't go away and your system will keep freezing and getting the 3 red lights or E74 error until it's fixed properly. If you don't act quickly to fix your console, the freezing will become more frequent and there is an ever increasing chance your system will incur permanent damage which will cost you in the hundreds of dollars to fix. The sooner you fix ring of death errors the 3g mobile broadband the longer you leave it, the worse things get. You have been warned!!
But, before trying to repair your Xbox and get through with the red ring of death, it is important to identify the cause behind the failure of the game console.
Generally, overheating is the main cause of the 3 flashing red lights glowing on the front of your console but this is not the full picture. To get the heart of the problem, We need to go into the production process.
In order to save a few tens of millions of dollars in the cost of the design, Microsoft decided to do the graphics chip design in streamyx reseller instead of going to an experienced vendor (ASIC vendor). That was a bad decision!! What they did was downsizing the heat sinks (which keep the system cool) to accommodate the DVD drive, plus they chose a slightly unusual way of mounting to link them to the processors. So when the console is running, a tremendous amount of heat build up inside the case, the solder connection heats up, becomes soft, and often times will then crack or pull apart. This causes an electrical connection failure between the central processing unit (cpu), graphics processing unit (GPU) and the motherboard - and the Xbox red ring of death errors will happen.
Some gamers have been trying to fix the ring of death problem by trying what they call " The Towel Fix " ( wrapping your Xbox 360 in a towel, turning it on for 20 minutes or so, and letting it overheat ). BE CAREFUL !!! Trust me this crazy repair method can turn a temporary problem into a permanent damage and your Xbox will be completely destroyed.
It's frustrating to have a freezing Xbox 360, but your console is a piece of high tech equipment not a toaster, avoid completely any repair method involving heat, you may heat up other non fixable electrical connections all throughout your Xbox and will streamyx goes mobile destroy it. You have been warned !!
>>> Is there any secure way to fix the 3 Red Lights? **
Believe it or not, getting rid of the Xbox red ring of death errors is not a complicated process and you don't need to be an expert with advanced technical skills to perform it yourself at home. Dealing with overheating and stopping the GPU from coming loose is the whole issue. For best result, I highly recommend you to check out a complete professional Xbox repair guide with in-depth detailed HD video instuctions and tutorials. Home repairs are safe and easy, plus they are developed by technicians with many years of streamyx customer service in the electronics and video game repair industry who have already fixed hundreds of consoles with ring of death errors and other problems as well. streamyx installation will show you step by step how to take your Xbox 360 apart safely, how to remove the X-clamp and heat sink, how to apply the washers and artic thermal compound, and put it all Dsl Cable Modem Router together. With the videos, there is also an e-book with written instruction and the 24/7 email tech support can assist you to save time and money and get back to playing your favorite games quickly.
Once you know how to fix the red ring of death errors, go to eBay and search for broken Xbox 360s, you should find a ton of people who are selling their system because they don't know how to fix the 3 red lights. You can buy them for under $60 and start your own profit center. Repair them, then you can make about $100-$150 by reselling them.
Here is an EASY step by step Xbox 360 repair guide so you can permanently fix your Xbox 360's Red Ring Of Death errors! Xbox 360 Red Light Fix Pro Gamer Edition : The Only Xbox 360 Repair Guide with Professional High Definition Video Tutorials, With In Action Camera Zooms , Fix in Less Time than it Takes to Mail Xbox 360 to Microsoft, Use Ordinary Household Tools ,Real Human, Knowledgeable Customer Support , No Special Skills Needed, Guaranteed Fix or Money Back, Be Playing Again - in 2 Hours or Less. Click Here