Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Medical Insurance for Students

Health insurance usually is not top priority when planning for an education. Students are more often than not Streamyx the mindset where the need for medical insurance is not the first thing they consider. When you are in your 20's you will typically believe that you are immortal so you will not suffer from an illness. As we all know, this is seldom the case however fit an individual might seem. A student health insurance plan is not only for those with a lot tmnet streamyx combo money, Streamyx is an absolute essential.

Dr Irfan Khairi. His name needs no introduction in the world of online business here in Malaysia. He made sensations here when he became a streamyx bills Ringgit millionaire at the age of 25 while he was still studying if Streamyx not mistaken. That was in 2002. His success doesnt streamyx fast overnight of course, he was figuring out ways to make money online ever since the age of 18. So basically, he took well about 7 years to find the right formula!

He has written a number of books here and currently hot in the streamyx dlink are Streamyx Secrets of Internet Millionaires Revealed?book that was launched in UK in October 2006. That book of his has now more or less became the must-have?guide book for those who are seeking ways to make it big online here in Malaysia. Hes also pretty good at organizing workshops, directly teaching and sharing his secrets with Streamyx parties. His one-day workshop doesnt come cheap or course; it costs a whopping Malaysian Ringgit $790.00 as of time of writing.

We at Sahabatul Ventures has tremendous amount of respect for Dr Irfan Khairi. To make it clear to everyone, we are not affiliated nor associated with him or his business in any way. However, we do share a common interest that is to help others in establishing their very own online business venture. While his approach is stubbornly strict to one formula, we at Sahabatul Ventures are more adventurous and have a number of online marketing tricks fit for any business occasions.

Frankly speaking, we are not at all amused with Dr Irfan Khairis success. There are many more unknown success stories that a lot of other Malaysians are not aware of. This is mainly because such successful entrepreneurs prefer to lay low and adopt low profiles to avoid the attention of the mass media. I know this may sound too good to be true but what Im about to share with everyone today is for real:

1. A simple kampung?(ordinary person) Malaysian Malay man from Kedah who only finished high school became a self-made Malaysian Ringgit millionaire in 16 months through selling Tongkat Ali?or Eurycoma Longifolia on eBay and Yahoo! GeoCities! This is in 1995!

2. In 1998, an ordinary Malaysian Chinese man from Penang who also only finished high school and could hardly write and speak English became a Malaysian Ringgit millionaire in 23 months simply through his hobby! This guy loves to shoot videos and one day he sent a few short video clips of Malaysian natural sceneries to websites such as Discovery & National Geographic via email and FTP (File Transfer Protocol). His work was so good and that Streamyx the eyes of Discovery & National Geographic editors! They paid him top dollars for his work and you may have seen his short videos on such channels without ever realizing that it was created by a typical ordinary Malaysian!

Now, that is what we at Sahabatul Ventures call truly amazing and unbelievable success stories! Now, lets go back to Dr Irfan Khairi.

One thing that we realized is that Dr Irfan Khairi may indirectly provide the wrong impression and message to the Malaysian communities especially. He claims to be a true online business expert as if every other expert on the field is either incompetent or incomplete. The way he promotes his skills, products and skills might also gave the impressions that it is easy to make money or become a millionaire online. To date, we have not seen anybody making much noise about it but it is high time that somebody did.
For the benefit of everyone especially all Malaysians interested in making money online, we would like to clear the air once and for all. With all due respect Dr Irfan Khairi, you are probably the only person in the world today who dares to claim oneself as a true expert in online business or any other type of money making opportunities. Even the worlds current highly regarded and well known internet experts such Joel Comm and Michael Cheney did not proclaim themselves as true experts in their fields!

In actual truth, making money online successfully doesnt mean that one have to strictly follow a standard formula. A standard formula would eventually become obsolete and would no longer work for anybody when more and more people start to use them. There is no one single formula, as matter of fact Streamyx are hundreds, thousands and possibly millions of ways to make money online. There is no true expert on this field; everyone has their very own way that works. Nobody is better than the rest actually.

To make millions online, you need to be cunning and have a lot of patience. Thats how things are in online businesses. If you do not have patience, persistence, intelligence and perseverance, you would never make millions online! It requires a lot of hard work dedicated full time. So, dont get wild eyed in hearing any online success stories and be gullible enough to think that you can strike it rich and become a millionaire by going online tomorrow. If you feel that that your current comfort zone of working 9 to 5 in a comfortable office is streamyx email setting enough for you, stick to it. Chasing online Streamyx are not for lazy bones and day dreamers.

We are not discouraging you from going for online businesses. As matter of fact, we would love to see more and more people achieved their financial freedom through online businesses. Our worry is that there are a growing number of people who failed miserably in their attempts to be successful online and that would indirectly give online business opportunities a very bad reputation. We put this blame to those who indirectly gave false hopes to the public, making them believe that everyone can make it rich online. Such irresponsible acts only made things worst for everybody.

Lets go back to Dr Irfan Khairi now. No matter how this article may sound, we are not in any way whatsoever taking cheap pot shots at Dr Irfan Khairi. He is a highly respectable professional intellect here in Malaysia and no 10 cents worth of comments made by people like us over at Sahabatul Ventures can deny that. We highly recommend Dr Irfan Khairis products and services to those who would like to learn what online businesses are all about. Read his book at least and then ask yourself whether this is right for you. You really have to look deep inside yourself before answering that question. If you are patient enough, cunning enough, persistent enough and willing to weather every single online storm ahead, join the online bandwagon and put every single effort to it passionately! There is no turning back, let us warn you!

Saidul A Shaari is the principal and founder of Sahabatul Ventures, specializing in helping aspiring home based entrepreneurs establish and setup their online businesses cost effectively. An enterprising business individual who turn half ideas into real money making opportunities.

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