Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Internet Marketing Tips - The Reason the MMO Niche Gets a Bad Rap

Sometimes you just have to laugh in order to keep yourself from crying. The story I am about to tell you is just one Menara Telekom Telekom Malaysia Directory many reasons why the make money online (MMO) niche gets such Maxis Broadband Wireless bad rap. Honestly, it's a miracle that we haven't blown ourselves off the map with some of the stuff that goes on. Anyway, sit back, relax and increase broadband speed to the irony of this story.

I was hanging out at the Warrior Forum. One of the members started a thread essentially saying that he was having considerable success with his business but then for whatever reason, things started falling apart and decided that he needed a Kuala Lumpur Okay, fine. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But, and I didn't notice this, one of the other members noticed this person's signature and in it was a site where he was talking about how he could help you earn all this money.

The guy's business is falling apart, he says he needs a coach, but he's going to show others how to make money. Is it just me or is there something seriously wrong with this picture? Well, the other member pointed this out and basically said the same thing that I'm saying, that this is the reason why this niche gets such a bad name. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. In the grand scheme of things, this is probably not even at the top of the list.

If you want a litany of crimes against the Internet population, just check out about 90% of the sales pages in the Money and Employment category at the Clickbank marketplace. If that's not enough to make you want to lose your lunch, nothing will. I sometimes wonder how some of these products even get approved. Oh wait, just recently Clickbank removed quite a few products from their marketplace. Well, it's about time.

Add to this the poor customer service (some merchants never respond), the outrageous prices for books that in the offline world would sell for $9.95, if that, the underhanded tactics such a forced continuity with fine print so small you need a magnifying glass to Web Mail Tmnet it, and an overall attitude that makes me, at times, ashamed to be a part of this mess, and you have the recipe for one big disaster.

And don't worry my friend...it's coming.

Unless we all clean up our acts.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

If you want to discover the REAL truth about Internet marketing and get some solid tips to take your business to the next level...get my free report at http://www.stevewagenheim.com/realtruth.html and subscribe to my REAL Truth newsletter where you'll discover more than from all those high priced ebooks combined.

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